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With each purchase made at our store, 100% of the proceeds go to supporting educational initiatives for Ukrainian children, empowering them to reclaim their right to education amidst challenging times. By choosing our merchandise, you actively participate in driving meaningful change in the lives of those in need. Join us in spreading the message of peace and hope for a brighter future for Ukranian kids!

Eternal Cycle

Size 14.87 x 18.75 in
Medium Acrylic gouache on paper.
This artwork explores ancient Ukrainian Pagan mythology, particularly the legends of Morana (Goddess of Winter & Death) and Vesna (Goddess of Spring). Together, they symbolize the cycle of life and changing of seasons. The artist (Elia Drozdovska) created this painting with the intention to bring attention to the beauty of Ukrainian folk culture and pre-Christian traditions, many of which have been erased and forgotten.