We are grateful for the incredible support and unwavering dedication of Seeds for Ukraine partners. They play a crucial role in creating a brighter future for Ukrainian children, as their generosity brings life-changing resources and opportunities to those who need them the most. The synergy of collaboration inspires us, and together, we create a profound and positive impact. We extend our sincerest gratitude to our partners for embarking on this deeply meaningful journey of transformation with us.
Our partners
Andrew Kutt, Founder & Chairman of the Board at Oneness-Family Montessori School in Chevy Chase MD, boasts over 35 years of diverse contributions to the Montessori community, including teaching, administration, training, consulting, speaking, and performing. He's an accomplished author, creating educational materials and writing articles on subjects like education, child development, and society. With six albums and over 100 songs, Andrew is also a prolific poet and songwriter, performing globally.
As a devoted peace ambassador, he passionately supports Ukrainian children's education through contributions to Seeds for Ukraine, notably organizing a successful charity concert with Hopscotch Montessori School. Partners like Andrew empower us to positively impact children's lives in Ukraine.
“Through my music and poetry I'm striving to uplift and inspire people to rise up and be their best selves. I'm trying to bring light, peace and love to this world that sometimes seems consumed by darkness. I'm hoping to give people the courage to continue to work for justice and equity for all human beings everywhere on our planet.”
– Andrew Kutt
Andrew Kutt
Magdalena Ponurska
Magdalena Ponurska is Vice President of Operations at the Montessori School of Rochester in Rochester Hills, MI. She is an AMI-credentialed executive and leadership coach, Montessori administrator, author, speaker, co-founder of the Global Montessori Network, and the founder of the MP Strategy Consulting, LLC, as well as a Whole School Leadership consultant. Magdalena has been a featured guest on the Lead Montessori Community Conversations and led seminars and workshops through Global Montessori Network. She has also presented extensively during tenure in the corporate world.
As a Montessori mom, a peacemaker at heart, and a Polish immigrant, she has been our dedicated partner generously donating 10% of her book sales profits to support Ukrainian children’s education. We are deeply thankful for this partnership and eagerly anticipate future opportunities for collaborations!
Our friends
Kathy Minardi has been an educator and organizational leader for over 40 years. She now serves as founding executive director and master trainer of Whole School Leadership Institute. This non-profit institute globally trains school leaders in organizational development. Their focus is to equip leaders with the tools, methods and concepts needed for today’s leaders to create and sustain a school that is resilient and healthy.
Kathy is a dedicated friend for Seeds For Ukraine, has consistently supported us in advancing our cause. Moreover, Kathy's expertise has been instrumental in conducting training sessions for Hopscotch Hub, our training center for Montessori leaders. Her contributions have greatly enhanced our ability to make a positive impact in the Hopscotch community. We are immensely grateful for Kathy's unwavering support and valuable friendship.
Kathy Minardi