"Plant a Seed"

One-time donations may seem small on their own, but when combined, they have the power to create a ripple effect of change! All contributions we receive go directly towards the cause, helping children at Hopscotch Montessori Kyiv access education and vital resources essential for their healing and personal growth.

The Impact of "Plant a Seed" Donations:

  • School Supplies: Providing essential school supplies such as books, Montessori materials and stationery, enabling children to attend school and fully engage in their learning.
  • Educational Infrastructure: Helping rebuild and improve school facilities that may have been damaged or destroyed during the conflict in order to create a safe and conducive environment for learning
  • Scholarships and Tuition Assistance: Offering scholarships and tuition assistance to ensure that essential workers, including military personnel, nurses, civil service workers, injured soldiers, and children who have experienced the loss of parents due to the war have equal opportunities to access education.

With each one-time donation, a seed of hope is planted, promising a brighter future for children in need.